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Perhaps hoping to talk down embattled, shouty actor Alec Baldwin from whatever ledge he may have crawled out on under the stress of his punishing cross-examination by The View's couchbound inquisitors earlier today, NBC has already released an official statement about Baldwin's surprising intimation that he asked out of his 30 Rock contract because of the media shitstorm in which he finds himself:

Alec Baldwin remains an important part of '30 Rock.' We look forward to having him continue his role in the show.

In the spirit of the network's compassionate embrace of its besieged star, we will refrain from trolling YouTube for video of Baldwin's infamous voicemail edited into footage of Tina Fey answering a phone on 30 Rock and linking it here. We will, however, offer these mash-ups involving cute babies, because we find their adorable presence somewhat defuses the tension of a thoroughly unpleasant situation.