The fate of the Brooklyn Inn, the much beloved Boerum Hill watering hole, is in dispute. We reported earlier this week that the place would be closing next week, to be reborn as an upscale bistro. But it turns out the story is more nebulous and the only certain thing is uncertainty. Will the bar close or not close? Will it be a bistro or remain in its Inn incarnation?

A tipster kinda clarifies with this report:

The owners of the building want in, so they didn't renew the lease to the guy who owned/ran the Inn since its incarnation as a bar (I believe). He is a great guy, I worked there for a while some years back. Anyhow, the new people that are managing the place aren't closing the doors of the Inn, it is remaining the bar, at least for a while. They may eventually change it to something else, bistro, whatever, but for now it is remaining the Inn in name. The main reason there have been parties lately is due to the fact that some of the long-time bartenders are leaving the Inn.

The bottom line: The Brooklyn Inn sallies forth, provisionally open, still an inn but with different keepers and not quite a bistro. —Josh

Earlier: The Curious Case of the Brooklyn Inn: Gonna Be A Bistro [Eater]