Annelise Peterson, Glamour's newly-appointed Special Correspondent For Socialite PR Stunts Taking Place In Turks & Caicos To Somehow Benefit Charity, has posted another dispatch! Several, in fact. The first Princess Race challenge involved kayaking, and the winners would receive a Cartier watch. Annelise's first obstacle was staying sober the night before the competition: "A few Prince Charmings on the sandy beach invited us to a night on the Caicos town; a hot party at Bamboo! But, whoa is me. My alarm will be ringing at 6 am and I must fight for kingdom Valentino and find victory." She's serious about winning! In the water, though, Annelise and her partner Triana struggled—"We were getting our tooshies beet [sic] by two Austrian women and I can't figure out my right from my left!"—but ultimately prevailed, coming in second place. And then, we learned why Annelise is so driven. "Let's see how well Tinsley and Fabiola do. In reality, that's the only team I'm interested in taking down. I already have a Cartier." Whoa is we.

Slaves to Fashion [Glamour]