Why Alec Baldwin Dumped CAA: The Dora Connection

Earlier this week, we were shocked—shocked! etc etc—to discover that embattled actor Alec Baldwin had abruptly dismissed his CAA agents, as what any performer needs most during times of personal crisis is a group hug from the only people in Hollywood genuinely concerned about their welfare: the ones earning healthy commissions from them. While the theory that Baldwin might have been locked in a heated battle with his ex-wife for sole custody of the agency certainly made enough sense, today's Page Six floats a theory that pulls yet another innocent child into the matter:
DID Alec Baldwin dump CAA this week because a video posted on FunnyOrDie.com showed Dora the Explorer listening to his infamous phone rant against his daughter, Ireland? The Web site is the creation of Adam McCay [sic], Chris Henchy and fellow CAA client Will Ferrell.
"Baldwin asked CAA to take it off, and they did not," said one source. But others say Baldwin is angry at CAA be cause it still reps ex- wife Kim Basinger. Baldwin's rep, Matthew Hiltzik, told Page Six: "Three-year-olds everywhere are upset that Dora the Explorer and her friends are being dragged into this."
We commend Hiltzik for stopping short of publicly blaming Basinger and her lawyers for leaking the Dora voicemail to Funny Or Die, but the regrettable situation has still been hard on the impressionable young explorer; ever since this ugliness was exposed last Friday, Dora has demonstrated a marked lack of enthusiasm for undertaking any new adventures, preferring to spend her days locked in her bedroom and sobbing to Boots the Monkey and her talking backpack, unable to understand why Mami and Papi have to scream at each other all the time.