You know what's becoming increasingly clear? The internet is going to put the psychotherapy industry out of business. While most civilians will have to rely on therapist-bot Eliza, if you're a celebrity—or a person with a blog, which is sort of the same thing!—you can always depend on the kindness, and unkindness, of strangers. Here are those strangers' hot tips for the most embattled actor of this week.

"Zero accountability and responsibility taken on your part, Alec. Your stint on The View made you look worse then if you had said nothing. I feel so sorry for your daughter. Two parents who put themselves first. You are not a victim, Alec. Nice try." "When you stated your situation it reminded me of my dad's story. His divorce with my mom was simular to yours . I am 28 now and live down the street from daddy and I survived your daughter will too." Also! "Enough said, I just wanted to say goodbye. It is silly of me to dream like this... What was I thinking? I'm not and never have been married, no children, no boyfriend, not many friends... But I have a lot of potential, so they say..." Hmm, that last one maybe indicates some transference issues.

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