Alec Baldwin's new movie, Suburban Girl, based on Melissa Bank's A Girl's Guide to Hunting and Fishing, has him playing a character who is "divorced. He's estranged from his daughter. He hasn't spoken to her in years and is resigned to just leaving her voicemails. He is an alcoholic struggling with his sobriety." Huh! But the audience at Tribeca, where the film premiered, was standing by its man during the Q&A session after the screening.

[Director Marc] Klein and some of the cast took the stage after the screening for a Q&A, and a question got thrown to actor James Naughton, who plays Gellar's father. "I want to say, I love Sarah," Naughton told the crowd after he answered, "And I also love Alec." The audience once again burst into applause, causing him to add of the affection, "I hope he comes back and sees all this."

The only specific vocalization of Baldwin's recent scandal occurred when another audience member stood and sarcastically started to ask Klein, "Did Alec tell you he was going to yell at his daughter..." But before he could finish the question, the protective crowd had booed him silent, scared him back into his seat, and Klein moved on.

Fear Team Baldwin! —Doree

All About Baldwin at Suburban Girl [HuffPo]

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