Christopher Hitchens' Voluble Johnson Falls Silent

Here's a snippet from an interview with Christopher Hitchens:
Have you ever prayed in your life?
I probably once did pray for an erection, but not addressed to anyone in particular. Nor completely addressed to my cock. You're too polite to ask if the prayer was answered.
Was it?
No. There was an answer, but I don't think it was the result of the prayer. After all, if one was not a mammal, and could get erections on demand, there'd be no need for prayer in the first place.
If, like us, you are now trying desperately to clean your brain of any imagery relating to Hitch begging for some inflated erectile tissue, meet us at the Shark Bar and we'll all try and drown it out together. On the plus side, we guess that he's proven that there is no God. No deity in the world would allow this to happen to us.
Are You There, God? It's Me, Hitchens. [NYM]
Earlier: Christopher Hitchens' Voluble Johnson Does Not Go Unheeded