'New York Times': Don't Forget To Bring A Snack

The Times breaks some stunning new ground in the field of news you can use today:
As tarmac-sitting stories mount and the Transportation Department investigates the possibility of unrealistic flight schedules, nutrition experts are in agreement: carry-on food is crucial for business travelers.
This is not because extra, unplanned hours without food or water can be fatal. Most adults can survive at least three days without water and about three weeks without food, according to the "Rule of 3's in Survival" on the Federal Emergency Management Agency Web site. It is because anxiety can stimulate hunger and thirst, and unquenched needs can turn an unpleasant event to misery.
Hear that, business travelers? You need to eat food, and you should bring some with you! We can't wait for next week's advice about packing an extra pair of boxer shorts. You know, just in case.