Remember Kenneth Eng of "Why I Hate Blacks" fame? He sure hopes you do! In fact, just to make sure he has another moment in the media sun, Eng is "taking credit" for the recent Virginia Tech massacre. "I might have had something to do with [the VT shootings] because it's kind of conspicuous that [Cho] would shoot all these people so shortly after AsianWeek published all my articles," Eng tells the Village Voice.

"How many Asian heroes have you seen? If you watch just a few minutes of television, Prison Break, Lost, and 24 all have Asian villains." To Eng, the Virginia Tech shootings were a victory for Asians in America.

It's true, every time there's a mass murder, a marginalized ethnic group gets its wings. But there's more!

As an NYU student, Eng stalked a white chick, freaked out his teachers, and was briefly institutionalized — just like Cho.

In a 2003 memo Eng provided between two Tisch School of the Arts deans, one official wrote: "It is my belief that Kenneth poses a real threat to the Tisch community and has the capacity to harm or kill someone . . . I would like to offer Kenneth the opportunity, in lieu of a disciplinary hearing, to withdraw from NYU with a refund for the semester."

Eng says NYU officials were correct to be concerned about him. "Frankly, I was planning on going to NYU and going on a rampage," he says. "The only thing that stopped me was that I couldn't afford a gun."

Finally, a reason to celebrate the ludicrously high NYU tuition.

Sharing in the Gory [VV]