A week ago, Page Six offered us a preview of Russell Crowe's "Ode to a Beautiful Mind," a love poem commissioned by Time to commemorate creative soulmate Brian Grazer's inclusion on the magazine's list of 100 most influential people, excerpting a stirring verse celebrating the superproducer's otherworldy soul-hearing and alchemist powers. The complete version of Crowe's heartsong is now available on Time.com, but because we fear reproducing it in full would be too much beauty for any of us to bear, we offer only its graceful final stanzas:

If there is anybody I know who was born for this e-mail, text-message, BlackBerry, information-superhighway, YouTube, MySpace, blogosphere, URL world we now live in, it's Brian Grazer. A modern-age hunter-gatherer of information.

Facts, figures, thoughts, wisdom—he sifts through them all at a rate of knots and processes them all on a surfboard slicing through the ocean or as he caresses a brush over canvas or on a mountaintop that has a view of the edge of the world. These days, it's not whether your attention span is short or long. It's how you use it that counts.

Would you think less of us if we admit that Crowe's words coaxed forth a tear as we fleetingly allowed ourselves to imagine that we were the canvas so gently—yet so confidently—caressed by the brush of the spikey-haired master? Of course you would. So we will admit to no such thing and will never speak of this again.