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One would think that the day that a humble former hairdresser [Ed.note—How many movies does a guy have to make before people stop mentioning he used to trim Streisand's bangs? This man made Vision Quest! Does that count for nothing?] is granted the career-validating recognition of a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame would be among the happiest of his life, but Superman Returns producer Jon Peters must have been at least a little disappointed in how his Tuesday induction turned out. Not only did he wake up to discover that his best Hollywood friends had forgotten to purchase full-page suck-up ads in the trades celebrating his cinematic legacy and thanking the show business gods for bringing him into their lives, he also had to deal with some marital nastiness, says Page Six, the leading chronicler of his Walk of Fame Day letdown:

JON Peters was the star when he got his star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame Monday - but his ex-wife, Christine, stole the show when she had a process server hand him court papers the second he got out of his limo.

Jon and Christine are in a bitter legal battle. She claims Jon owes her child support for their two daughters. Jon claims that Christine has been living rent free in a mansion he owns and that the daughters are grown and not legally his. A pal of Jon's said, "I found the fact that she did it [have the papers served] in front of their children very classless."

Things, of course, could always have been worse, as Christine could have marred the proceedings more profoundly by having the server wait until Peters had fallen down on all fours to kiss his star before sneaking up behind him to deliver the papers, foreshadowing the legal buggering she hopes to inflict upon him at a later date. And, given the video and voicemail-leaking humiliations that certain ex-wives have recently been accused of causing their former husbands lately, Peters probably feels lucky that no embarrassing multimedia presentation accompanied her legal action.