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In this week's very special installment of—who are we kidding, it's yet another parade of horrible party pictures from Last Night's Party, The Cobrasnake and Misshapes. Same as last week, same as ever. We are all going down together, with Alex Blagg leading the way. Smash your head on the Blue States Lose!

10.Misshapes. April 21st, 2007 photo #011: Mouth bedazzling! I love in when these hipster douches take one of their retarded little fads and just fucking run with it.

9.Chris Mohney's Blog. Transcription of E-mail correspondence with Leotard Fantastik: Wow, I hope that when my time at BSL finally - mercifully - comes to an end, that Leotard Fantastik sends a bunch of idiotic emails to someone on my behalf!

8. Misshapes. April 21st, 2007 photo #004: Yeah, that's what someone told The Other Guy's mother. Now she's got some candy-assed pink-haired moppet son who thinks his "DJ crew" is a legitimate excuse for an existence.

7. Last Night's Party. Text Me photo #116: Wrong, wrong, WRONG! You puke ON THE FLOOR, then roll around IN IT, while facing THE CAMERA and waggling your BOOBIES around.

6. Misshapes. April 21st, 2007 photo #119: Baby, you keep working that New Jersey soccer mom thing. It might catch on someday.

5. The Cobrasnake. Fictional Character photo #0778: Once again The Cobrasnake has provided me with photographic reassurance that skipping Coachella again was, in fact, the right decision.

4. Misshapes. April 21st, 2007 photo #023: If you beat the hardest level of Guitar Hero 87 times every day for a month, you just turn into this guy.

3. Misshapes. April 21st, 2007 photo #064: Little Johnny Mouthbreather would like to model his hammerpants, platform Reebok sneakers, and expression of utter retardation for you.

2. Misshapes. April 21st, 2007 photo #041: Hey sparkles, why so glum? Did someone mistake you for a mentally handicapped person dressing up as the Sun God guy from Superman IV again?

1. The Cobrasnake. Jungle Trouble photo #1843: The elusive Native American Pirate Pimp style has never been executed so successfully.

Previously: Meet The Bandana-Clad Hipster Zombies