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There's nothing like the unexpected jailing of a beloved icon to inspire activism on the part of the teeming, internet-enabled masses, as petitions alternately seeking to set free Paris Hilton or make sure she serves every last minute of those 45 days have been propagating online. While we're still a little disappointed that pro-Hilton forces still haven't expressed their outrage with a cathartic riot, here's a round-up pointing you to various places where you can join up with a grassroots movement that will ultimately be ignored:

· "To: The Honorable Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger...We, the American public who support Paris, are shocked, dismayed and appalled by how Paris has been the person to be used as an example that Drunk Driving is wrong. We do not support drunk driving or DUI charges. Paris should have been sober. But she shouldn't go to jail, either." Number of signatures so far: 4752 [Free Paris Hilton]

· "For as long as she has been in the public spotlight, Paris Hilton has knowingly and willingly broken the law, and her actions have gotten more and more brazen over the last few years. Her actions indicate that she feels the law doesn't apply to her as she has repeatedly flaunted the law in full view of witnesses, often paparazzi and camera crews." Number of signatures so far: 6801 [Jail Paris Hilton]
·"A petition to ask Gov. Schwarzenegger to NOT pardon Paris friggin' Hilton" Number of signatures so far: 114 [No Pardon For Paris]