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The media shitstorm in which HBO CEO Chris Albrecht finds himself since his early Sunday domestic violence arrest in Vegas has not diminished in filthy intensity since Tuesday afternoon's announcement that he's headed off to rehab, as today brings a new wave of reports hinting that no hastily scheduled AA vacation will be long enough for this to blow over:

· The LAT reports that in 1991, HBO paid a settlement of "at least $400,000 to a female subordinate with whom Albrecht was romantically involved after she alleged that he shoved and choked her, according to four people with knowledge of the matter who declined to be named because the payment was confidential," leaving industry types duly impressed that they were able to keep the incident so quiet for 16 years. [LAT]
· And it gets worse before it gets better: The LA Weeky's Nikki Finke says that sources have told her of at least two, but possibly three, other cheery Albrecht incidents that were "handled" by HBO over the years and is told that an exec lamented, "I look back and wonder why we covered it up back then." Isn't that what good employees do when their boss gets in a little trouble? [DHD]

· A source describes the scene at the Vegas altercation that kicked off Albrechtgate to Rush & Molloy. Unstable footwear and overzealous law enforcement officials make cameos: "'Chris was trying to guide her to their car when she slipped on her wobbly high heels,' a source tells us. 'He was helping her up when the police grabbed him. She said they really used excessive force when they handcuffed him - putting their knees in his back on the ground.' Albrecht is said to have told friends that one of the cops had a past beef with him. 'Karla said Chris would never hurt her,' said a source. Word is Jensen has been staying at Albrecht's L.A. pad since he was released Sunday, following 12 hours in a county jail." [Rush & Molloy]
· Var notes that no charges have been filed. But! "Insiders said it's possible that Albrecht's leave could become permanent if the Las Vegas district attorney investigating the incident moves forward with a case." In the meantime, COO Bill Nelson will take over day-to-day operations and hope that not many more confidence-shaking scream headlines like CRISIS CONTROL adorn the trades' front pages in the near future. [Variety]