ICM: Bring On The Wildfires

This just in from an operative reporting on ICM's attempts to keep its employees prepared for the improbable eventuality that the destructive flames of the Griffith Park wildfires reach their new, relatively underwhelming Century City headquarters:
So ICM had a firedrill just now, along with the rest of the MGM building. Apparently the key to survival is to walk to the floor located 5 stories below the floor you currently work on. Unless you're in the windowless mailroom in the basement, the plan then is to somehow make it outside. (I'm not gonna lie to you, in the event of a real fire, I might opt for the 'make it outside the building' technique.)
Upon your return to your designated floor, you do get a cookie.
The positive reinforcement aspect of the safety drill is key; offering a treat for their employees' cooperation could help the agency reach 100% participation in future practice evacuations, even tempting staffers who paranoidly suspect that the fire alarm has been tripped by the neighborhood outlaws of CAA, who plan to loot their rival's new stronghold while ICMers cram themselves into stairways or scramble to escape that windowless mail-dungeon.