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It's been far too long since orphan-addicted baby-collector Angelina Jolie has opened up about her complicated feelings on biological childbirth, a selfish practice that invariably disrupts the color-coordinated harmony of any painstakingly racially balanced brood. But Jolie is once again ready to defend her still-controversial decision to use her uterus instead of a Third World nation's adoption system to add to her family last year, this time to Reader's Digest:

"Before I met Brad, I always said I was happy never to have a child biologically. He told me he hadn't given up that thought. Then, a few months after Z came home, I saw Brad with her and Mad, and I realized how much he loved him, that a biological child would not in any way be a threat. So I said, 'I want to try.' "

But only if such a risky rationalization could be so simple! Jolie goes on to explain:

"As kids get older, it's harder for them to be adopted. ... Something changed for me with Shiloh. We had Mad and Z, and neither looked like Mommy or Daddy. Then suddenly somebody in the house looked like Mommy and Daddy. It became clear to us that it might be important to have somebody around who is similar to the other children so they have a connection. Mad's very excited that his brother is from Asia."

In the end, it seems that correcting the clan's untenable 3:2 Caucasian-to-other ratio eased her lingering anxiety about Shiloh's disruptive effect on the family, and she resisted the impulse to "accidentally" leave the baby behind at Pax's Vietnamese orphanage in an attempt to circumvent the country's stringent "no trading" adoption rules.

[Image: Kate's Studio]