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For addicts of rapidly multiplying frozen dairy delicacy concern Pinkberry, the exact nature of the cloudy liquid employees dump from large plastic vats into their churning confectionary machines is of little import. The sign says yogurt, it's probably some kind of watered-down yogurt, right? Wrong, according to a lawsuit brought against the chain. From a press release issued by the plaintiff's lawyers:

The suit alleges that Pinkberry has unlawfully capitalized on the health-consciousness of the California public by falsely calling its product "frozen yogurt." Plaintiff contends that, in direct violation of California law, Pinkberry's product is made from a powder base, mixed with water and/or milk on site, and then sold without notice to consumers of its ingredients.

The plaintiff contends Pinkberry's dry powder mix lacks the bacteria or bacterial cultures that define yogurt and create its health benefits.

It's not hard to see how the stated label of "yogurt," paired with the product's light, tangy consistency, might have led customers to assume a small herd of free-grazing cows wandered behind those swinging doors, having their udders massaged by round-the-clock shiatsu practitioners before their macrobiotic milk was slow-churned by clog-wearing yogurtmaids into a miracle dairy elixir. If the plaintiff's claims are true, and they have just been spending five bucks a pop for the negligable nutritional benefits of some sweetened talc and water with some kiwi chunks on top, they might have thought twice about feeding their Crackberry habits.