Get Nervous! Get Nervous!

"Live With A Sadult" is the sister to "Live with A Douche." These are our most socially redeeming PSA campaigns, alternately rounding up the most deleteriously douchey and whimperingly sadultish apartment and roommate postings in New York. Have you found a particularly ridiculous listing? Let us know at
A well-organized gay roommate in an $850 Chelsea apartment who likes Pat Benatar, Ally McBeal and Full House? Sound like exactly the right kind of sinner to me! A closer examination, however, yields an Seuratian disillusion. This guy's made up of crazy dots. That Benatar you picture quietly playing in the background as you shower? Nope. "I have no choice but to listen to music loud to enjoy it... You must be comfortable listening to my favorite songs." The occasional episode of Ally McBeal benignly flickering on the TV as you blanch some asparagus? Not so fast.
Our sadult types: "I watch at least three episodes every night from about 7 until 10 and you cannot watch tv, cook, or make noise during this time."
Also this: "I often get locked out of the house and sometimes will need to call you to let me in or meet me at the apartment if you are away. You must always come to the house if I contact you." Oh, we get it! Alcoholic seeks slave!
The Compleat Craziness:
HIghly Organized Apartment For Rent
This apartment is a real treasure. It's a small, furnished bedroom in an organized apartment. My last roommate had to leave abruptly for personal reasons and so i'm looking to fill the space immediately with a quality male or female. I am male.
I go out drinking several nights during the week. I often get locked out of the house and sometimes will need to call you to let me in or meet me at the apartment if you are away. You must always come to the house if I contact you.
After listening to music loud for years, I now have no choice but to listen to music loud to enjoy it because my hearing is bad. I go through music phases and right now I listed to a lot of Reggaeton and Pat Benetar. You must be comfortable listening to my favorite songs.
I have a box set of ally McBeal and Full House (I'm from San Francisco) and like watch them often. I have seen ALL the episodes but I like to watch them when I get home from a stressful day to unwind. I watch at least three episodes every night from about 7 until 10 and you cannot watch tv, cook, or make noise during this time.
The television is right outside your room and sometimes I fall asleep on the sofa watching my favorite shows with my boyfriend. If the noise bothers you let me know when I'm not sleeping and I will let you use one of my electric fans to help with the noise.
The apartment is small and I have a lot of stuff. I keep many of my things in the room you will be moving into. I am willing to temporarily loan you extra refrigerator shelves in return for keeping my things in your room.