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Josh Quittner is the editor of Business 2.0. Michelle Slatalla is responsible for the New York Times' inexplicable "Online Shopper" column, a collection of hyperlinks well-gussied up with advice on how to Google things that for some reason appears in that paper's print edition on Thursdays. In it, you can learn how to buy English muffins that cost five dollars. Five dollars. Michelle and Josh are married to each other! Boy, are they ever.

They have three children, one named Clementine, and they live in Mill Valley, California now. She used to blog but gave that up. Also they are unafraid to lay out in print some of the more disturbing issues in their relationship.

A successful marriage requires compromise. Or put another way, when it comes to breakfast rituals, sometimes it is necessary to relentlessly pester your spouse until, finally, you wear him down.

For years, I have tried finding the middle ground (and by "finding the middle ground," I mean converting him to English muffins). I have offered many brands and flavors ... No luck.

The next days found me frying bacon, poaching eggs and whipping pancake batter. I was becoming desperate.

But breakfast isn't the only passive-aggressive and stealthily ugly bone of contention in this techsavvy domestic union.

"Boy shorts?" my husband asked. "Have you lost your mind?"

I sent him by e-mail a picture of Cosabella's understated soire ultra smooth bra ($60 at He countered with the black La Perla sky doll lace slip ($340) at Saks sells that stuff? Shocked, I referred him to another item on the site, a white lace trim chemise from Joelle ($314). In response, he sent me a picture of, oh, never mind.

We don't know what that picture is, but here is a picture of Josh.

The real question is this. How have we snoozed for so long on Michelle Slatalla? She is the new Alex Kuczynski. Now we cannot turn away.

No Nook Unbuttered, No Slice Unturned [NYT]