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As our fair coastal city and its archipelagos are consumed in brimstone-free hellfires, we here at Defamer continue in our commitment to bringing you disaster coverage from the only angle that matters: How does it affect celebrities? We already reported on the courageous actions of impromptu evacuation coordinator Kirstie Alley, who is currently propping a tanning reflector beneath her chin on the lido deck of a Sea Org vessel hundreds of miles from shore, where she'll stay until it's deemed safe to return to dry land. Today, we have the even more incredible tale of Steven W. Bailey, who appears on Grey's Anatomy as Joe the bartender, and may also be familiar to you as My Big Fat Obnoxious Fiance's, uh, big, fat, obnoxious fiance:

[Bailey] lives near Los Angeles' Griffith Park, which went up in flames earlier this week. To escape the smoke and heat from the fire that blackened more than 800 acres, he and his wife headed for the peace and solitude of idyllic Santa Catalina Island.

"We thought, get away for a little while, get away from all this fire nonsense, go to Catalina, get some fresh air," Bailey told KABC-TV.

"We were approaching the island and we see this smoke from pretty far away," he added. "I jokingly said to my wife, I was like, `That cloud formation over there looks like there is a fire in Catalina.'"

While the staggering coincidence gives the actor the unfortunate air of being the Patient Zero of the great SoCal wildfires of May 2007, we'd like to take a moment to remind everyone that there is still no indication that this was anything more than a little bad luck, and that if you should you happen upon him in your daily routines, pointing and screaming, "IT'S HIM! IT'S MY BIG FAT OBNOXIOUS FIRESTARTER! RUN! TAKE WHATEVER YOU CAN CARRY AND RUN BEFORE HIS VERY PRESENCE DOOMS US TO A FIERY DEATH!" could well be interpreted as insensitive and completely uncalled for.