Anti-Smoking Activists Not Buying MPAA's Lip Service

Back on Thursday, MPAA head Dan Glickman attempted to mollify an increasingly militant anti-tobacco lobby by introducing a complicated algorithm for adjusting the ratings for films in which the filthy, "increasingly...unacceptable behavior" of smoking is prominently depicted, which takes into account such factors as pervasiveness, historical context, and how many sexual partners a protagonist accumulates directly from the image-boost an omnipresent Marlboro affords him.
Unsurprisingly, the MPAA's token efforts have not satisfied the 31 state Attorneys General who know that each instance of smoking on the big screen creates thousands of helpless new tobacco addicts; today, they hit back at the industry by taking out full-page ads in the trades, shaming them for their indifference to the health of impressionable moviegoers. Should this warning shot fail to register with Hollywood's influencers, they'll follow it up with a dramatic two-page spread depicting the cherubic faces of the future lung cancer victims created by a single Brad Pitt drag from a Parliament in the upcoming Ocean's 13.
[Ad via Digital Variety]