Last night MoMA threw its annual Party in the Garden, a black-tie dinner-dance -whatever amongst Picassos, Serras and a very, very open bar. Inside, the real high rollers (tables of 10 between $20-100,000) Mayor Bloomberg and others honored Marty Scorsese and washed down their veal milanese with a 2006 Malbec. Outside, there was chaos. Towers of strawberries and armies of petits fours were decimated by throngs of socialites and rich men. But the rococo dessert confections seemed almost austere against the silk brocades, jewels and cleavage of the "young (nubile) friends of the garden." As the night progressed, and Jay-Z appeared, the event began to resemble a bar mitzvah, but with more blacks and gays. We sent twinkletoes Joshua David Stein and homewrecker Richard Blakeley to document. [Ed Note: But apparently they just got drunk. Sigh.] —Twinkletoes