The Defamer Job Board: Because ABC Doesn't Know Genius When It Sees It

Your pilot season gig on ABC's comedy hopeful HeadOn: Apply Directly to the Forehead! HeadOn: Apply Directly to the Forehead! HeadOn: Apply Directly to the Forehead! is long over, and you've just learned that the network has handed over its sole primetime sitcomfomercial slot to the Geico Cavemen instead of your more promising show, leaving you suddenly out of work for the coming TV season. Break the cycle of unemployment with the Defamer Job Board, the leading Defamer-branded job-search tool on the internets!
Appearing this week at Defamer Jobs:
- Website Content Production Intern at Liquid Generation in Los Angeles, CA
- Assistant Accountant at Confidential in North Hollywood, CA
- Ad Sales Assistant at GSN, The Network for Games in Santa Monica, CA
- Director, Marketing - MTV/Comedy Central at Paramount Pictures in Los Angeles, CA
- Film Production Internship at Throughline Productions in Los Angeles, CA
- Film Evaluator at Hustler TV, Los Angeles, CA
- ...and more