This Little Piggie Got Gangrene: A TMZ Toe Scandal Round-Up

In the interest of streamlining our coverage of podiatric oddities and mishaps in the greater famous-people population, we bring to you a round-up of today's top toe-related celebrity health stories, as reported by TMZ:
· Blake "For the Love of God, Please Stop Beatboxing and Win Already So We Can Forget You Ever Existed" Lewis, American Idol final three finalist, reportedly had to see a doctor about a hangnail that turned black. (Warning: The accompanying photo of a toe is marked as "not Blake's," but who can resist lingering over a close-up of a stranger's infection!) We encourage you to tie a yellow ribbon around your own big toe as a reminder that our thoughts and prayers are with Blake at this difficult time, vowing not to remove it at least until the swelling reduces and color begins to return to normal. [TMZ]
· "Extra Toe-prah Winfrey" was what TMZ cruelly nicknamed the messianic daytime TV figure after spotting Oprah at the Howard U. graduation ceremony in sandals, carrying what appeared to be either a sixth toe, or generously sized, nailess bunion. Or as longtime paramour Steadman refers to the lil' guy, "Gayle 2." [TMZ]
· You know who's probably got really nice feet? That hunky Matthew McConaughey! We'd go shrimping with the frequently shirtless beach-yoga lover any day! [TMZ]
[Photo: Splash]