While I don't label myself a blogger — it's something I do, not something I am — I've concluded that it's one of the most important and enriching activities any marketer, especially a digital one, can pursue. Why? Not to experience the hype, and certainly not to join the proverbial "me-too club." Those are lame justifications for such a time-consuming, mentally strenuous activity.

But blogging is one of the best ways for a person to internalize and sensitize one's self to the essence of marketing. Because when you blog, you essentially expose your ego and subject it to the most important and intense dimensions of marketing, media, communications, networks and individual relationships. While I'm still learning and growing with this evolving platform, blogging has brought me far closer in touch with my profession than any other pursuit.

Hey, if we somehow forget to include this essay by the "vice president of marketing for Nielsen BuzzMetrics" with the litany of justifications in our suicide note (currently in draft form!) somebody out there please add it in? Thanks.

Why All Marketing People Should Blog [Online Spin]