Lane Garrison Hopes Throwing Himself On Mercy Of Court Wins Him Hilton-Style Accomodations

An update on the sad case of Lane Garrison, an actor you likely hadn't heard of until the night he befriended a trio of teenagers and escorted them to a Beverly Hills High School party (just like your own high school parties but with less making out to Duran Duran, and more cocaine and age-inappropriate TV star cameos), resulting in an ill-fated Grey Goose run that killed one and seriously injured two others. Garrison pled guilty today at his arraignment at the Beverly Hills Courthouse:
Appearing before Beverly Hills Judge Elden Fox today, Garrison pleaded guilty to one felony count of driving under the influence causing injury to multiple victims, and one misdemeanor count of furnishing alcohol to a minor. He also admitted to causing great bodily injury and death and that he was driving with a blood alcohol level of more than .15 percent.
"It is very unusual for anyone to accept responsibility these days for their conduct. And he has done it," Garrison's attorney, Harland Braun, said after the hearing. The judge set sentencing for Aug. 2.
The plea faces a maximum prison sentence of six years and eight months, a sobering reminder of the high price of succumbing to the deadly BHHS lifestyle. Garrison, meanwhile, becomes just the latest casualty of the crackdown on the illicit antics of Hollywood's club-crawling elite. Even his one fansite, Lane Garrison 101, seems to be resigned to the actor repaying his debt to society, having not even produced a "Free Lane" t-shirt, opting instead for an entire line selfishly bearing their own logo.