Is Kenneth Eng finally learning the difference between good attention and bad attention? The Village Voice reports that everyone's favorite Asian supremacist (who was so upset that the kid at Virginia Tech pulled off a violent bloodbath before he could), is currently a guest of the city.

It seems that the recent Voice profile of the attention-seeking massacrist manqué

brought Eng to the attention of the NYPD, which found that just two days before the article appeared, on April 30, Eng had allegedly threatened to kill neighbor Marissa Addison and her mother in front of their Fresh Meadows home. According to police, Eng told her, "If your dog bites me I will kill you and your family," and then swung a hammer at one of Addison's two dogs and at her mother, missing her by inches.

Eng was arrested May 11th on a variety of charges and is being held without bail. A psychiatric evaluation is pending. We're not sure how this is all going to play out, but we'd bet even money that Eng's journals are going to be at least as entertaining as Peter Braunstein's.

Kenneth Eng In Custody [VV]