Trump Feels Rosie Is Right About Iraq War, Despite Being Fat

By now you've likely seen at least some part of the split-screen smackdown between Rosie O'Donnell and Elisabeth Hasselbeck on The View yesterday: It raised ill-informed, inarticulate political debate to the artful level of jazz improvisation, with O'Donnell keeping rhythm with bassy, angry-lesbian notes as Hasselbeck explored ear-piercing variations on her signature, "Up with dead Iraqis!" theme. Extra caught up with flowy-dress-wearing, right-wing shrew, who's confident the two will patch things up. And because no View feud is complete without the wit and wisdom of the Great Combforwarded One, Extra (way to keep on it, guys!) has these inspirational words from Donald Trump:
Trump reacts to Hasselbeck calling him obnoxious, he admits, "Well I am obnoxious, on that she's right." About Hasselbeck's political views, especially on the war in Iraq, he adds, "Elisabeth is not a very smart person, she's one of the dumber people in television. To see that she supports the war, and she's solidly behind the war, give me a break."
Surprisingly, Trump takes O'Donnell's side on this one, he declares, "On this one I think Rosie should win, but Rosie is not much herself... I think anybody that's against the war in Iraq is the winner of the fight, because to justify the war in Iraq - only an imbecile could do that."
Could his begrudging concession to O'Donnell signal a shifting of View co-host allegiances for the nouveau-classy real-estate magnate? Trump might want to think twice before taking on his next target—it will leave him merely with Hasselbeck's poorly justified politics as cannon fodder, and before long he'll be openly bemoaning the good ol' days, when he could always rely on his arsenal of fat n' ugly jokes to respond to an overly mouthy broad.