Rosie O'Donnell Is A "Useful" Conspiracy Theorist

As bloviators all over the internet and the airwaves rush to kick Rosie O'Donnell while she's down, the Times' 'About New York' columnist Jim Dwyer is sticking up for her. "The first day of the post-Rosie O'Donnell era on "The View" television show has come and gone, and by any fair accounting, an often useful provocateur has left the building... she opened debates with others about terrorism, peace and citizenship." That's what we think too, and props to Jim for supporting embattled Ro! But wait... is that really what he's doing?
Dwyer goes on to quote Rosie's assertions about the mysterious collapse of World Trade Tower 7, the empty tower that folded in on itself without being hit by a plane on Septermber 11th, and to debunk them at length by quoting a retired fireman and citing photographic evidence: "The pictures make clear that 7 World Trade Center was hit not, as Ms. O'Donnell said, "by nothing," but by tons of falling debris."
And then, after six paragraphs about how Rosie is full of shit, Jim comes out with this: "Few civic virtues are as useful as skepticism, though it is rarely honored until too late. The citizens who questioned the validity of the case for war in Iraq were widely scorned or ignored in 2002 and 2003 by the government and the news media."
WTF is going on here? Is it just that Jim can't pick a side, or is he trying to sneak hidden messages into his column? Okay, that might be a little bit too much of a conspiracy theory in and of itself.