Tracy Morgan Taking Court-Mandated Sobriety One Day At A Time

Before Alec Baldwin's Mametian approach to child-rearing went public through a leaked voicemail left for his porcine, etiquette-challenged 11-year-old daughter, Tracy Morgan was the 30 Rock star garnering the most unwelcome headlines for the fledgling sitcom. A DUI arrest last November led to a guilty plea bargain that allowed the comedian to avoid jail time if he agreed to make high school appearances and wear a SCRAM. Sitting down with the AP in anticipation of his upcoming gig hosting Spike TV's Guys Choice Awards, Morgan waxed philosophical about his party-loving demons:
On his drunk driving, he said: "It happened. Unfortunately, it happened. I'm not perfect. I'm like anyone else. Driving under the influence isn't cool. I have kids and I don't want anyone to get the wrong message about that. It's something I've resolved in my life. Things got a little bumpy and it was taken care of. And I feel great about it and feel good in my sobriety."
Morgan, who is married with three children, said he deals with his alcohol problems "one day at a time."
"I don't know about tomorrow, but I know that today I don't want a drink," he said.
A solemn Morgan fell silent for a moment, then looked up, a mischievous twinkle in his eye, and added, "I want 25 to 30 drinks!" before tumbling off his chair is convulsive laughter, catching his breath only to gloat how "I really had you going there for a second, Mrs. Reporter Lady, didn't I?" before seamlessly transitioning into deep sobs as he caught another glimpse of the fun-killing device shackled to his ankle.