Tina Brown Wants To Get Paid For Her Hatchet Job

Following a recent Book Expo America luncheon, former New Yorker editor Tina Brown expressed the following concern about the industry to the Times:
Giving an author's book away for nothing on the Web as a way to market books seems a mirage to me. All it does is feed the hungry angles of journalists and bloggers who plunder it without any of the author's context or nuance and makes the reader feel there is nothing new to learn from the genuine article when it finally limps on its weary way to a book shop.
Got that? So even if you scan the (compensated) excerpt of Tina's forthcoming Princess Diana biography in Vanity Fair, be forewarned: You need to read the actual tome if you want to get the subtle nuance Brown uses to suggest that the late royal was a vacuous schemer whose lack of regard for others was only exceeded by her lack of maturity. It's probably got something to do with the punctuation.