'You can do a lot more stupid things'

TIM FAULKNER — Guy Kawasaki, evangelist and entrepreneur, stretches his defense of his ill-received startup, Truemors, to unparalleled proportions in this new video interview by Andy Sernovitz. Not only does he continue to downplay the cost and value of his site: "Before it would cost $5 million to do something stupid. Now it costs $12 thousand to do something stupid. You can do a lot more stupid things," Kawasaki appears to be shifting his defense by indicting venture capitalists willing to fund startups with millions. Of course, Kawasaki has done the same and failed more often than not, but now he knows better. Truemors wasn't a startup, it was an experiment to determine how much capital is needed to build a new company: $12,000 should do since it worked so well with Truemors.