Socialolgay Kristian Laliberte is teaming up with fellow social-things Annabel Vartanian and Anisha Lakhani to "raise awareness for our new chapter of the American Federation of Suicide Prevention." How noble! So how are these charitable-minded souls going about trying to make us want to kill ourselves less? A: All wrong, as Kristian's email attests.

The theme of the party is white, from the attire (white hot!), including the hosts dressed in Celine, to the drinks and the food. All photographs taken at the event will be released in Black and White. We seek to bring light to the plight of depression affecting so many at risk teenagers—hence the donning of white not only to expose this dark afflicition, but to celebrate the promising summer.

Well, Kristian's got a point: depression does have it pretty rough these days, what with Effexor and Wellbutrin and all.