Getting To Know Ben Silverman II: The Party 'Problem'

Continuing our recent series of late afternoon posts about "Getting to Know You" stories involving new NBC head-rock-star-in-charge Ben Silverman, we turn our attention to today's Kim Masters Slate piece on the party-positive network chief, who already seems to have intuited that he may have to abandon his plans to end each successful staff meeting with a round of tequila body shots if he wants to keep his corporate bosses off his back:
Speaking of which, Silverman is known as a voracious party animal, and rumor has it that Zucker was not fully aware of the degree.
Silverman acknowledges that he has fully exploited the perquisites of being young, successful, rich, in show business, and single. Befriending the talent meant leading life a certain way, he says—but he realizes his sails need to be trimmed. Given what went before, many wonder how he'll handle the tedium of pressing the flesh of affiliates and advertisers. Of course, he has NBC Entertainment Co-chairman Marc Graboff to help with some of that.
Instead of conforming to some outdated, Old Media notion of executive behavior, Silverman should embrace the flamboyance that's brought him so much success at such a young age. Not only should he continue to befriend the talent, he should leverage those relationships for the kind of interactive initiatives he's eager to foster at the network, perhaps by having a scroll running beneath each new show directing viewers to log on to to view exclusive, uncensored webisodes of their favorite stars getting shitfaced at Hollywood's hottest nightspots with their new boss.
[Photo: Getty Images]