Finding It Every Damn Day

Glaring Omissions reproduces tips received from readers in the last week that weren't covered on Gawker, either by accident (it happens!) or by design (it happens more often).
- "Can I have GAWKER sent to me automatically or do I have to go and find it every day?"
- "In case you thought anyone had priorities in this world—In my new cubicle at Lehman Brothers, I'm hearing the other designers have a lively discussion about Paris Hilton going back to jail."
- "Sopranos finale—who even cares about the finale...ooooh i wonder if Tony is gonna get wacked...newsflash its not actually real.. get a life. The show has sucked since season 2.."
- "Homosexuality, like pedophilia & incest should be re made a crime.
And all the homosexuals should be locked up in single cells where they can masturbate themselves to death. Just seeing the scene any Decent person can see it is a perverse & degrading perversion." - "How do I submit pixs to Gawker? I work for the Post so I cover alot of new york. I have pictures of a triple murder yesterday and i would like to submit one or two to you."
- "Hello my name is Marian.. Can you tell me where Karolina Kurkova lives and if anbody saw her in the last days/weeks? Thanks a lot..."
- "Hi! We love you're site at Rimmel London and would love to send you a product for you to consider for review. What would be your mailing address there?"
- "Vanity Fair Bono issue—Note that on the George Bush cover the next spread has a Gap ad featuring Natalie Maines of the Dixie Chicks. The other covers feature different celebrities in the Gap ad in that spot... This was a deliberate placement meant as a political statement. Funny, eh? Score one for corporate America/advertising machine! I work at either the magazine, ad agency, or the client. Please keep me anonymous."
- "Question: Is there a nipple slip on the cover of ThursdayStyles?"
- Earlier: Glaring Omissions