A memo just went out to the staff of the Times, alerting them that although they'll be expected to put out a paper in the new building this weekend, they will have to—gasp, shudder, etc.—work without keyboard trays. Perhaps anticipating the inevitable backlash, the memo begins, "We all need to be patient, knowing that all open issues are being addressed and will be closed as soon as possible." In other words, STFU! You'll work without a keyboard tray, and you'll like it! You'll also use Times Reader and like it, but probably not as much. Oh, and there's a dock strike in Italy, so the furniture in your cube might look like it fell off the back of a truck. Full memo after the jump.

While the new building will be able to support our producing a newspaper this weekend, the newsroom will remain somewhat of a work in progress. We all need to be patient, knowing that all open issues are being addressed and will be closed as soon as possible. Here are the specifics.

KEYBOARD TRAYS All keyboard trays for newsroom personnel have been delivered to the new building. Unfortunately, not all of the brackets needed to install them made a similar trip. This is because the keyboards come from one vendor and the brackets from another.

For now, keyboard trays have been installed on all copy editor desks (and a few other positions). This means that just about everybody who is not a copy editor will be temporarily without a keyboard tray in the new building.

The bracket shortage is expected to be partly relieved on Monday with the arrival of 500 brackets, and installation will begin immediately. It is expected to take another week to 10 days for the remaining news
positions to be completed.

There is a small number of keyboard trays in reserve for those with an acute medical need. If you believe you fall into this category, please contact Charlotte Evans in news administration ([redacted]) who will coordinate with me and with occupational health.

MONITOR ARMS The arrival of the monitor arms scheduled for all copy editors' desks has been delayed until June 22. They are relatively easy to install and are at the top of the priority list for followup.

STORAGE HUTCHES The storage hutches for the copy desks will also be late in arriving. They, too, are expected on June 22 or so. There is no installation required, merely placement.

MAIL AND NEWSPAPER DELIVERY Everyone is reminded that all mail currently in mailboxes on 43rd Street will NOT be moved. So it is imperative that you empty your mailbox. Some delays of house mail, Post Office mail and newspapers can be expected on Eighth Avenue. These delays are due to the transition and should work themselves out shortly. In the meantime, you are reminded that all pages of the paper can be viewed via Times Reader or through the page archive system (PARCH) available on the newsroom homepage (under ARCHIVES on the left of the screen).

TEMPORARY FIXES You will find some workstations that have mismatched pieces or are not the size or shape that you expected. This is due to a delay in the shipment of some furniture caused by a dock strike in Italy. Be assured that any mismatched elements or temporary workstations will be addressed within a week.