Disappointing Opening Means We May Never Get An 'Ocean's 14'

Temporarily put aside the existential despair of your post-Sopranos existence by self-medicating with the weekend box office numbers. It's what Dr. Melfi would want.
1. Ocean's Thirteen—$37.080 million
One might have expected that a movie featuring The King of Hollywood, Angelina Jolie's Pretty Boy Partner, and Al Pacino spray-tanned to the exact hue of an expertly basted turkey could have scared up $50 million during a season in which the much-unclamored-for Shrek the Third put up a nine-figure opening. Unfortunately, the moviegoing public chose to punish George Clooney and Brad Pitt for the entertainment industry's blockbuster-recycling sins, perhaps not realizing that withholding their box office dollars could negatively impact the do-gooding pair's ability to conduct their many charitable activities. If a Vietnamese orphan goes unapopted into a high-powered Hollywood family because of a shortfall in Pitt's profit participation, blame yourselves, America. You should have waited for the new Fantastic Four movie to send your message of frustration to the greedy studios.
2. Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End—$21.316 million
Looking for a new and exciting way to support the Pirates franchise? Here you go.
3. Knocked Up—$20.017 million
The summer's runaway comedy hit enjoyed a healthy second-weekend take as moviegoers hungry for debate on the hot-button smashmortion issue returned to the theater, taking the opportunity of a second viewing to weigh more carefully the pro-"taking care of it" arguments presented by Ben's fat friend and the mom from Growing Pains.
4. Surf's Up—$18 million
Just when you thought Happy Feet exhausted the dramatic possibilities of March of the Penguins-inspired animated movies, Sony comes along and throws in some surfing, reinvigorating the entire genre.
5. Shrek the Third—$15.750 million
Right about now, someone in the DreamWorks Animation marketing department is making some calls to ascertain how quickly they can get a green 13" television with ogre horns onto the shelves at Toys R Us.