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If we've learned anything from the The Sopranos finale, it's that nothing punches up a scene emotionally like Journey's "Don't Stop Believin'." There has been no shortage of media coverage asking the members of the 1980s supergroup with the penchant for winged scarab cover art what it feels like to be immortalized in the Most Important Final Scene in TV History:
· Guitarist Neal Schon "was like, 'Awesome!'" when he heard the news, and suspects the song was chosen because it hints at a Sopranos resurrection, for which the Jersey native would love to be considered for Featured Goombah status. []

· Keyboardist Jonathan Cain signed off on the song's use along with co-writers Schon and Steve Perry. As with every "Believin'" request, they debated the project's merits at length before agreeing. Ultimately, the band decided The Sopranos finale was definitely up there with that scene from Laguna Beach when Stephen picks up LC for their date, and TV history once again was made. [CNN/AP]
· And what of The Voice? Singer Perry says he insisted producers reveal the context of the scene, and once he was assured it would not accompany a slo-mo Soprano family bloodbath, featuring A.J.'s bullet-riddled body convulsing under an order of flying onion rings, he was OK with it. []