Spielberg Appoints Hillary Clinton To Presidency

Dealing a death blow to once-trendy Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama's chances of landing the crucial entertainment industry endorsement that spurred Presidents Gore and Kerry on to historic White House tenures, show business deity Steven Spielberg has officially anointed Hillary Clinton Hollywood's Savior, releasing a statement today indicating he's "convinced that [she] is the most qualified candidate to lead us."
Credit whatever soul-consignment agreement the savvy Clinton signed during her secretive visit to CAA's political-strategy dungeon back in February (Bryan Lourd has had the piece of baby-skin parchment containing Hillary's bloody signature framed for display above his desk) for the timely delivery of client Spielberg's vote of confidence; in addition to the evil agenting monolith's endorsement-packaging services, as a new member of the Creative Artists family, Clinton will also enjoy their vaunted protection benefits, which will ensure that she makes it at least as far as the primary without being snuffed out by nemesis David Geffen.