'L Word' Has Now Evolved Into A Show About Virtual People

Following last year's Fanisode contest comes The L Word's latest foray into the arena of cutting-edge promotion: The series has teamed with cyber community Second Life to create a Virtual Lesbian World, where fans can dress up an avatar (Butch and Lipstick options not yet available), and mingle with other L-Word fans at the virtual The L-Word Club (pictured above, looking not unlike the virtual L-Word Women's Detention Facility), grab a coffee at The Planet café, or catch a lecture at the Amphitheater.
The agoraphobic but no less proud members of the lesbian community can also experience their own virtual Gay Pride parades, sponsored, curiously enough, by Altoids, but set in the one social venue where halitosis poses no threat to one's chances of hooking up. If all this virtuo-creepiness hasn't yet compelled you to run outside to hug the nearest passing flesh-and-blood lesbian, a Flickr stream offers photos of the most recent Virtual Pride festivities. Peruse them at your leisure, but be warned you may awaken tonight in a cold sweat from a nightmare starring a one-eyed lesbian pirate and giant mint tin with legs.