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· Critics who demand consistency from famous people about the various causes in which they dabble are going to shit themselves when they read this story about how Angelina Jolie didn't want to talk to Fox News (or about her orphan-collecting efforts) during the junket for A Mighty Heart, a movie in which she plays the journalist widow of a slain reporter—the very same profession she sought to destroy with her truculence and speech-suppressing legal waivers. Have we so soon forgotten that she rocked a laudably frugal $26 outfit at her premiere? Surely she deserves a pass on this one.
· "An aggressive squirrel attacked and injured three people in a German town before a 72-year-old pensioner dispatched the rampaging animal with his crutch." You're really going to want to read the whole story. Trust us.
· Sadly, there is a dark side to Space Chimps, but we're not going to let it dampen our enthusiasm for the project. Space Chimps!
· This is all the Tony watching we'll ever need to do.