Ann Brashares Is So Rich She Doesn't Know What 'Private Equity' Means

Ann Brashares, the young adult book packager turned author who got hell of rich off one of her former employee's childhood anecdotes about a pair of pants, is now writing for adults. Except on her Amazon blog, where she is writing for retard monkeys. Yeah, that's her 25 foot by 25 foot Manhattan kitchen in the photo. Seriously, fuck her.
My brother is a lawyer. (One of my brothers. I've got three in total.) His job is intense and he works really, really hard. He works for a firm here in NYC and his area of specialty is called Private Equity. I throw this term about with the slight fear that someone will ever ask me what it means. Recently my brother was coming up for partner in his firm, and when he made it, I congratulated him. I was excited for him not only because he's such a dern bigshot, but because I thought it meant he would get a break. I figured he'd paid his dues and now he'd get to hang out more with his family and play hockey. (He loves hockey.)
My brother explained, though, that that's not quite how it works. Apparently there is a oft-quoted analogy among lawyers involving pie: Becoming a partner is like winning a pie-eating contest, and the reward for it is . . . more pie.
This got me thinking about pie, which I love, and winning in general, which I admit I also like. I think it's also true of my job—and probably most jobs—that the reward for success is getting to do more of what you already do. The better I do at writing the more writing I get to do. Which is a lucky thing because I love to write. (Except for the times when I hate it.)
Wow, we wish Ann wasn't doing so well at writing.
Pie [Ann Brashares' Amazon Blog]