We hear that New York magazine writer Alex Morris is working on a story about the Horace Mann brouhaha—teacher Andrew Trees got fired after his novel Academy X came out, headmaster Tom Kelly censored the school paper when it wanted to write an article about it, a bunch of fancy academics got all hot and bothered and sent Kelly a letter and petition, and so far Trees hasn't been reinstated. Whew! But some in the school community are wondering why headmaster Kelly isn't taking as hard a line with another teacher who's written a suspiciously similar book—which was just bought by The N, Viacom's tween channel, for a pilot. It's about a high school teacher who sleeps with the parent of one of the kids he tutors!

The teacher, David Berenson (whose brother, Alex Berenson, is a reporter on the New York Times Business desk), wrote The Tutor a couple years ago. Coincidentally, he also happens to tutor a whole bunch of HM students on the side. Convenient! "The school, interestingly, is not firing this guy but choosing to ignore it," a source tells us.

Berenson also worked for four years in Los Angeles "tutoring rich kids," as his bio on a Dartmouth alumni website reports—so maybe it's not all about Horace Mann. Still, Berenson teaches in the same department—history—that Trees did. Is the school simply loathe to bring on more embarrassing scrutiny? Or will it be forced to fire Berenson as well? Or rehire Trees?

Dartmouth Alumni in Entertainment and Media: Motion Picture [Dartmouth]