Melanie Brown Claims DNA Testing Proves Eddie Murphy Is Father Of Her Spicebaby

Eddie Murphy, who since his soul-crushing Oscar night disappointment has withdrawn inside a fortress of fat-lady-latex solitude and refused to accept visitors, has remained highly skeptical of claims made by former girlfriend Scary "When Can We Drop These Idiotic Nicknames Already" Spice (aka Melanie Brown) that the child she carried to term last April was his own. Now, Brown's camp is telling People that the result of Murphy's June 11 DNA test prove the baby is "110 percent" his:
Eddie Murphy is the father of "Scary Spice" Melanie Brown's 2-month-old daughter, Brown's rep confirms to PEOPLE.
The results of the DNA test, which Murphy took on June 11, were received by Brown on Thursday afternoon, says rep Liza Anderson.
Murphy's rep declined to comment.
Hopefully, Murphy's unexpected bundle won't sour him on the kid-friendly fare he's gravitated to in recent years, allowing whatever mild resentment he might feel over having lost at the contraception shell game to seep into the next chapter in the lives of the lovable Klump clan, Nutty Professor 3: Listen, Hairy Spice, Or Whatever the Hell Your Name Is—You Show Me A Court Order, I Show You A Penny Of Child Support.