Urth Caffe Patrons Struggle To Keep Composure Around Jake Gyllenhaal

PrivacyWatch celebrity sightings are submitted by our readers, and are posted several times a week, so them in often. Submit yours to tips[AT]defamer.com (please put "sighting" or "PrivacyWatch" in the subject line) and tell the world about the time Ari Gold and his giant, silver Lexus ruined the bohemian tranquility of your favorite Venice coffee house.
In today's episode: Jake Gyllenhaal; Catherine Keener; Jeremy Piven; Heather Graham; Mare-Kate Olsen; T.R. Knight; Damon Wayans; Scott Speedman and Melora Hardin; Wong Kar-Wai; Jason Shaw and Janice Dickinson; Barry Williams; Chris Carmack; Ryan Cabrera and Lee Norris;
· June 19th Jake Gyllenhaal at the Urth Caffe on Melrose around 8 am. Unmistakeable hunk, despite hiding his piercing baby blues behind aviator sunglasses. I did a double-take, which caused him to duck down low to inspect the healthy pastries until I had left the building. Completely dreamy.
· 6-21 saw a very schlumpy catherine keener coming out of the third street promenade borders with her son clyde. she was wearing big nicole richie sunglasses, her hair was incredibly unkempt, and she shot me a look when i stared at her.
· Wednesday, June 20th
So I'm having my late morning brew at a table by the window in Abbot's Habit, Venice this morning when I glance up to see a big high-end silver Lexus pull in and park in the red zone. A couple get out of the car and I think to myself, "arrogant asshole" before being distracted by the attractive-in-a-slender-large-breasted-bimbo kind of way woman exiting the passenger seat. She's wearing those Jessica Simpson style tight satin running shorts with the piping, a tight white t-shirt and baseball hat. My attention was diverted sufficiently that I did not see who was driving the red-zone parked vehicle. Anyway, they exit frame and I sit there hoping Parking Enforcement shows up. Where are those guys when you really need them? About 15 minutes later the driver and his passenger reappear. Dudes a bit on the diminutive side, girlfriend's easily got him by a head. And then I recognize the face behind those aviator glasses. It's Jeremy Piven, carrying a little shopping bag. Now it all begins to make sense. Before I can run out and order him to drop and give me 20, they are in the car and off in a cloud of dust. What a douche.
· Seems like the macrobiotic M Cafe de Chaya on Melrose is still somewhat of a celeb hotspot on any given weeknight. Saw Heather Graham last Thursday, June 14, sitting by herself on the patio. Dressed in hippie-ish attire with brown Ugg boots, she had her knees up to her chin and was enjoying the sunset. She is quite radiant & beautiful in person, unlike...
MK Olsen, whom I saw last night, June 19, picking up a to-go order at close to 10pm. Looking very blonde and typically bedraggled in skinny white jeans, baggy grey cardigan and tall, chunky, ridiculously overpriced sandals on her badly-in-need-of-a-pedicure feet. She was all hugged up with that shlubby new boyfriend - who is he anyway? They were quiet & low-key, though, and I was happy to see that the staff wasn't falling all over themselves for her.
On a separate occasion - and this is prob old news by now - saw an adorable & exuberant T.R. Knight at the Mika concert at Avalon in Hollywood on Friday, June 8. He was with a small group of friends, probably celebrating the news of Isaiah Washington being sacked.
· 6-20 I saw Damon Wayans pulling into the underground parking garage at the Death Star (CAA).
· 6/16 - saw Dylan McDermott at Barnes & Noble on the 3rd Street Promenade. He was in the regulation jeans and blazer over expensive t-shirt ensemble and was, of course, short. He was in front of me in line, but I couldn't see what he was buying. Perhaps reserving his copy of the last Harry Potter?
· Hola, Defamer! Spotted last night (6/20) at KCRW's Angel Party at the Hammer Museum in Westwood: Scott Speedman, looking like his usual hot self, with a guy pal, and Melora Hardin (Jan from "The Office") with a tall, European-looking (sweater tied around shoulders) date. She looked great in a floral dress and seemed approachable. I did not check her rack to see if life imitates art...
· Spotted Hong Kong Cinema god Wong Kar-Wai strolling bag-laden out of Arcana Books on the Third Street Promenade this afternoon (6-19) wearing a stylish pair of shades, and appearing at least a head taller than any of the local transients. I was hoping for Rachael Weisz in tow, but no such luck
· 6-20 The Apple store at the grove seems to be the place to go. At the Genius Bar, I saw (holy smokin') Jason Shaw. He has a laptop. The day before, I was leaving the Mac store, and as I was awaiting my car at valet, doe-bodied, (save for a fupa), Janice Dickinson sat down on the cell phone and in a black and white wrap dress. I over heard "Yes. Janice Dickinson. I have two tv shows." Does she still count ANTM? Because otherwise all I know about is the one.
· 6-19 Saw none other than Greg Brady himself (aka Barry Williams) at Hamburger Habit with girlfriend. (She's got to be 20 years younger.) But Barry looked good and was very nice and polite.
· Went to Diddy Riese last night in Westwood (curse their price increase!) and saw Chris Carmack, of Season 1 OC fame. His hair is pretty long now, and it's not doing him any favors. He was with a girl who was not as skinny as I would expect... perhaps because they regularly patronize Diddy Riese? She was still pretty, though.
· Tuesday, 6/19 at the Tyler Hilton show at the Knitting Factory — Ryan Cabrera trying really, really hard to rock the Depp look (long hair, ironic hat, too much jewelry), ended up looking dirty and pretty much like the most unattractive man on the planet, wow. Also, fellow One Tree Hill-er Lee Norris, looking just as you'd expect him to, only shorter, huge mouth, looked approachable.