Brad From Bay Ridge Offers A 'Rebutel' [Sic]

Yesterday, we heard from Brad from Bay Ridge, who feels that the Gay Pride parade is kind of gay and pointless. He thinks this for a number of reasons, which he explained in an email he sent out to a bunch of his pals, one of whom forwarded the manifesto to us. And we posted it, prompting commenter Cajun Boy to wonder, "Maybe Brad from Bay Ridge can be to gawker media what the zodiac killer was to bay area newspapers in the 60s?" Well, judging from the email we got from Brad today, maybe so!
Dear Pseudo Intellectuals of the Gawker Community,
Congratulations, you found it possible to both bitch,moan and imply hate from a piece that only outlined the absurdity of having a parade based solely on your sexual orientation.
To further your arguments you mocked me by citing "guido" stereotypes which i had spent 2/3's of the piece spoon feeding you. EVEN NAMED MYSELF AS GRANDMARSHALL! If we are going to make unsubstantiated claims based solely on whats presented. I Have a new Idea for a parade. The Gawker Commenter Parade. It will be held in Williamsburg and will only run the length of Bedford ave. A Float Made of recycled Pabst Blue Ribbon Cans driven by emo haircut having thriftstore t-shirt and keds wearing apple fanboys who will blast the latest from a B side on a rare postal service record. Dont worry though if you miss the parade you can read all about it in their blog or catch the pictures up on
to those of you hung up on my extraordinary claims of a 30min commute via the bus. Please look into you local mta sponsord express bus routes.let this be a lesson kiddies, just because its not on hopstop doesnt mean its not a legitimate form of
Brad from Bay Ridge"