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Former Grey's Anatomy star Isaiah Washington has been devoting a good portion of his newly cleared schedule to the granting of angry, uncensored interviews, in which he connects the not-so-obvious dots to help us better see T.R. Knight as the Machiavellian, closet-exiting opportunist he truly is. And while the natural impulse for most of us would be to set up folding chairs in order to take in one of the most spectacular career-immolations in recent memory, Washington is quick to point out to EW that the offers have been flooding in since Dr. Burke's untimely demise:

Recently dismissed "Grey's Anatomy" co-star Isaiah Washington is in discussions with NBC about a deal, sources said. It was not clear whether NBC is interested in bringing Washington onto an existing series or casting him in a new project.

The actor told Entertainment Weekly he and his agent "are sorting through a ton of offers in both film and TV." "There is one network in particular that's very interested, but I don't want to say anything specific until it's a done deal," he said.

Washington indeed had preliminary conversations with the network, though the talks have stalled, according to people familiar with the situation.

It would truly be a shame if Washington's recent improprieties might have sabotaged yet another network opportunity for the actor, for we can think of nothing that could have enhanced Heroes more than the introduction of a brand new character, stunned to discover he was born with the special ability to refrain from saying hurtful words despite being constantly goaded into it by an equally gifted race of wily and ambitious Gays looking for hefty second season salary bumps and stronger overall story arcs.