For a while we thought the Splasher, that anti-graffiti artist who's been splashing the work of other street artists, might actually be an evil genius. But the manifesto the collective—yup, the Splasher is a collective—sent to Gothamist dashes those hopes. "He's" just another pseudo-intellectual anarchist flea motel who read Žižek's Welcome to the Desert of the Real and now thinks "he" knows something about late post-modernism and public space theory. Sheesh!

in a section of this multi-paged manifesto called The Point is to Produce Ourselves, Rather Than Things That Enslave Us, Splasher writes

In New York City, during the summer of 2006, a group of co-conspirators and provocateurs began a program that confronted a cultural realm which revealed a content of commodity recuperation behind the facade of pseudo opposition. By challenging what the experts term 'street art', our actions have, in turn, uncovered an alliance between the coercive force of the state and the "creative class" of the artist. We began these series of actions as a critique of rationality.

Wait a sec, take off that hoodie, Pete Wentz, is that you?

The Splasher Speaks [Gothamist]