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You hardly need this dangerously low Tomatometer to tell you that License to Wed might not live up to the considerable comedic promise of most Robin Williams vehicles, but in the interest of piling on, we present this round-up of headlines exploring virtually every possible negative permutation of badness, legal documents, and the sacrament of marriage:

· Many vows were broken to make this 'comedy' []
· Say `I Don't' to `License to Wed' []
· In 'License to Wed,' they all should have vowed to disengage [Newsday]

· Wedded miss: flick filled with tired shtick [Orlando Sentinel]
· Somebody should have pulled this "License to Wed" [Denver Post]
· Revoke that 'License to Wed' [Balt Sun]
· Williams deserves to have comic 'License' revoked [Daily Herald]
· As comedic clergyman, Williams' 'License' should be lifted []
· Leave 'License to Wed' at the altar [USA Today]
· 'Wed' gives Robin Williams license to annul his movie career []

And, mercifully, a dissenter!

· Robin Williams gives us license to laugh []