Three Technorati Monsters escape

DO NOT WANT indeed. Troubled blog search engine Technorati has suffered another blow with today's triple resignations of key personnel, a surprising move so quickly after the completion of its long-awaited update. Outgoing CEO Dave Sifry announced the departures of Chief Technologist Tantek Celik (pictured above) and Vice President of Engineering Adam Hertz, but snubbed Product Manager Liz Dunn in the official post and left her to blog about her own resignation. Director of Product Development Dorian Carroll will be promoted to Engineering head, but no replacement for either Celik or Dunn has yet been announced. It remains to be seen if the niche site, bolstered by a $1M influx of capital just six weeks ago, will be able to overcome this talent vacuum and attract high-enough caliber replacements to satisfy investors. Photo (CC) Adactio (And, yes, stolen from Nick's previous post, but quite appropriate, don't you agree?)